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Bridge Component Addresses

Helpful Resources - Addresses of Bridge Components

The following table contains the contracts and addresses of the main bridge components.

If you would like to understand what these addresses are used for, these two articles may help:

Mainnet addresses

Palm Mainnet0xB3C62Aed3be8e0577D4724C40a01379dbf895C01Bridge Contract - main bridge smart contract
Palm Mainnet0x97FAcbF880e47c27cafbA6bE3d677A50d536813eERC-20 Handler - account given permissions to mint/burn ERC-20 tokens on Palm Network
Palm Mainnet0x317bc33A442AA0f6C8235cb2487f0Bb338eD27E4ERC-721 Handler - account given permissions to mint/burn ERC-721 tokens on Palm Network
Palm Mainnet0x22887Af68E57A76692f2686020FF563aC873eA24Primary relayer - transactions for assets minted/burned on Palm Network can be found here
Palm Mainnet0x2A84F0c208872184c9dfcd57B6cd7bF63BcF829ESecondary relayer - this account periodically sweeps for transactions that did not successfully complete by the primary relayer
Palm Mainnet0x8993D834b036913E25f35ed1Cbb288F26779e16aTollbooth account that collects fees in DAI from bridge users. Dai fees are regularly transferred to the Ethereum network using the bridge, swapped for Ether, and added to the Ethereum Relayer accounts. This way, it can pay for gas fees incurred by the bridge when it mints a token on behalf of the user. Carbon offset fees are also collected in this account and withdrawn for direct payment to carbon offset projects
Ethereum Mainnet0x7D0e63736aEb136aCd44C70D6e1A0f27fb897679Bridge Contract - main bridge smart contract
Ethereum Mainnet0xf4684EB75659Bec9C3c3b19f075a6fd5ABa34b87ERC-20 Handler - account given permissions to mint/burn ERC-20 tokens on Ethereum
Ethereum Mainnet0x225b08cf010d1dbae32be055f27d5affdf50c6efERC-721 Handler - account given permissions to mint/burn ERC-721 tokens on Ethereum
Ethereum Mainnet0x22887Af68E57A76692f2686020FF563aC873eA24Primary relayer - transactions for assets minted/burned on Ethereum can be found here
Ethereum Mainnet0x2A84F0c208872184c9dfcd57B6cd7bF63BcF829ESecondary relayer - this account periodically sweeps for transactions that did not successfully complete on the primary relayer

Testnet addresses (Palm-Goerli bridge)

Palm testnet0x1d1Ea33bB51483047E06907E6A8102745Dc8F543Bridge Address
Palm testnet0xe464ffCA50a685909747ff0511ba5F08D2E7eD62ERC-20 Handler Address
Palm testnet0x5E19dd6367243A313bbA659DBDaFC9AF0A398183ERC-721 Handler Address
Palm testnet0xE44203902357E8b20643B836bD4E8ab6c0dCB5d1ERC-1155 Handler Address
Goerli0xa77BCEa3D4c3457cFa0aE6Ec91028E213B46A235Bridge Address
Goerli0x3CC008A7701B823B319E5A0d3D601E1Ca4f9EA86ERC-20 Handler Address
Goerli0x6393417f49Bd9Ebae172442eA576b9E225b95f53ERC-721 Handler Address
Goerli0x7e3c8bB04672DDca55B92ACAbF00DB3747722099ERC-1155 Handler Address

⛔️ Testnet addresses (Palm-Rinkeby bridge)

Palm testnet0xdeD098F762456D4BEA387AcadcB1eAeA63E8e954Bridge Address
Palm testnet0x0113A208409505470d3F9b4a7c43488e57564bD7ERC-20 Handler Address
Palm testnet0x0114a4A5604f88076D6CDD5607115CE42812e404ERC-721 Handler Address
Palm testnet0x5105F2e61A5139589c02e557bd4A61A5a22B2676ERC-1155 Handler Address
Rinkeby0x21bE213d63e9F5CE1F93D2758F132817A41874e1Bridge Address
Rinkeby0x515C78a5737093Dd8a2638800b93445C77e5bE1DERC-20 Handler Address
Rinkeby0x5105f2e61a5139589c02e557bd4a61a5a22b2676ERC-721 Handler Address
Rinkeby0x91429E6686348645cc9B17C382F991d900966D7D[ERC-1155 Handler Address]